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portada From Ayahuasca To Andean Gratitude: Get a Magical, Transcendental and Spiritual Meaning of Life Through the Sacred Wisdom of the Andes Including the I (en Inglés)
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N° páginas
Tapa Blanda
22.9 x 15.2 x 1.8 cm
0.45 kg.

From Ayahuasca To Andean Gratitude: Get a Magical, Transcendental and Spiritual Meaning of Life Through the Sacred Wisdom of the Andes Including the I (en Inglés)

Rod Fuentes (Autor) · Tom Wagner (Ilustrado por) · Dennis Osborn (Prefacio de) · Andes Quantum Jump Institute Publishing · Tapa Blanda

From Ayahuasca To Andean Gratitude: Get a Magical, Transcendental and Spiritual Meaning of Life Through the Sacred Wisdom of the Andes Including the I (en Inglés) - Osborn, Dennis ; Wagner, Tom ; Fuentes, Rod

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$ 52.330

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Reseña del libro "From Ayahuasca To Andean Gratitude: Get a Magical, Transcendental and Spiritual Meaning of Life Through the Sacred Wisdom of the Andes Including the I (en Inglés)"

Did you know that hid high on the snowy Andes Mountains were kept hidden for centuries the secret codes of life up to these days which may solve your problems and bring health, money, love, relationships, happiness, well-being, abundance with relative easiness? Are you interested in knowing and unveiling them and transform your life, and develop your full potential as a human being?. Well, you can make it if you really learn the "codes of life" explained in this book. And one of them was "Gratitude"Dr. Rod Fuentes teaches these codes and explains that they belonged to a very advanced mental-spiritual technology from the past in the Andes and were hidden as codes that may help you to take a quantum Jump in your consciousness and life. He was one of the few westerners to be initiated and at a very early age into these secret "Codes" hid high in the Andes. They are based on the 4 levels of Consciousness that, when they are taught, all human beings have the skill to naturally develop. These codes are the codes of the Andes Mountains and refer to the ideas or teachings regarding levels of reality, consciousness, and perception passed from word of mouth to some people living in the Andes for many centuries. Dr. Rod Fuentes is one of the "codes keepers" but he was forbidden to relay them to other westerners before the year 2016.The codes are the unknown keys to a complete life of success and bliss and are the millenarian quantum teachings that can be used by any person who studies and apply them to create and change his/her own reality these days.The codes Sometimes wrapped in the symbol of the 4 animals: serpent, puma, hummingbird, and condor; sometimes in the symbol of four words in the ancient Andean tongue. But always as hidden truths of the greatest importance for mankind hid in the Andean mountains as hidden jewels for humanity up to these daysThese codes of life were the way how the most important teachings of a very advanced ancient civilization going back to 20.000 years, way before the Incas, way before the Andean Shamans, had condensed all their knowledge in these small number of codes. After reading this book you will start to understand the meaning of these codes, and after meditating on them, and applying them in the right way, can take a QUANTUM JUMP to solve your problems with easiness and make a true transformation in your life. Why so? because the Andean codes release you from mental barriers and limits and frontiers which WERE borrowed by your mind from your culture and other minds limited by the beliefs of your culture and civilization.When studied, meditated, and applied, we begin to develop multidimensional thinking. They help you to expand your mental and spiritual frontiers and allow you to escape those limits imposed on you by the limited thoughts of our civilization. This is something frightening for many at first, but if you allow them to do so and don't resist, your mind and experience of life will expand exponentiallyThat s what this book will help you to begin to do. The codes are universal principles, and they are the key to everything that exists, therefore the key to physical health, prosperity, abundance, love, good relationships, and the materialization of these things in personal and collective life Now, scroll to the top of this page, buy the book, and get started today learning the codes

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Todos los libros de nuestro catálogo son Originales.
El libro está escrito en Inglés.
La encuadernación de esta edición es Tapa Blanda.

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