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portada mutations, in vitro and molecular techniques for environmentally sustainable crop improvement (en Inglés)
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mutations, in vitro and molecular techniques for environmentally sustainable crop improvement (en Inglés)

Libro Nuevo

$ 195.990

$ 391.980

Ahorras: $ 195.990

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  • Estado: Nuevo
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Origen: Estados Unidos (Costos de importación incluídos en el precio)
Se enviará desde nuestra bodega entre el Jueves 11 de Julio y el Jueves 18 de Julio.
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Reseña del libro "mutations, in vitro and molecular techniques for environmentally sustainable crop improvement (en Inglés)"

this publication contains the results of an fao/iaea co-ordinated research project (crp) on radiation induced mutations and other advanced technologies for the production of crop mutants suitable for environmentally sustainable agriculture. induced mutation techniques and other biotechnological approaches are major tools for creating variability and selection of stress-resistant or tolerant genotypes. additionally, scientists have become intensely interested in mutations as a means to widen and deepen our understanding of genome structure and gene function.

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